Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The face-less food for thought self portraits

Alright... Lets get to the point, you look at my photos and have the thought, what on earth is this chick thinking?  Sure I love sweets and oranges and such but thats not what I am getting at.  Firstly, I did my best attempt to have everything very open, spilling out of its container and such.  This was entirely on purpose because I wanted to symbolize myself being a very open person... I don't hide a lot, I don't see the need.  If you want to know something just ask.  The sweet and sour worms, well, I am a pretty sweet person, but get me on a bad day or early in the morning when I am hungry (just ask one of my friends) I am not a nice person.. aka, sour!  The oranges were just another enforcement  on  the idea of me being a open person with a juicy fun inside.  I am not dark and sad (although my doll series may contradict it).  The coffee beans, well I am a pretty deep complex individual.  And just like coffee, I can be taken and enjoyed by many different people in many different ways.  Take that how you like it, the rest is for thought!... 


AmandaO said...

Ohhh! More delicious photos!

These are very well photographed items, but what I like even more about them are the implied meanings behind the photos.

Hmmm...I will think about these for a bit and comment about "What I think These photos say about Kelly" later. (Dun dun dunnn!)


Anonymous said...

mmmm I want a cappuccino now!

the orange grid picture really caught my eye. I looooove it. Very clean, simple and bright. You should blow it up and frame it.