Wednesday, December 3, 2008

from the darkside and beyond..

Here is a collection of some  of my favourites from over the past couple months... There are photos that I have created in the darkroom, some digital and some film scans too.   Some have been personal photos and some have been for assignments.  anyways just something to get your senses going.... p.s, pay special attention to my sandwiched neg pics, Its something I have been having a lot of fun working on.  (ps it just took me about 5 times to try spell sandwich, thats why I am in photography school not majoring in english literture!!!!) 


AmandaO said...

Kelly!!!!! Oh the Jesus! And by the Jesus, I mean those sandwiched negative shots of the J-man on the cross. Those are SO creepylicious! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! You are so talented!!!!

Kelly Balkwill said...

thank you thank you... sandwiching had become this sik sick fetish that I know is going to keep me in the darkroom more than I should be...