Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have a lot more where these came from.  I go with a buncha friends on sunday nights to the edge and have some fun.  Heres a couple from this past weekend

Three beautiful girls aren't that hard to photograph, but I love this picture had to post it.  Meet two of my very good friends, Kayla (left) whom has recently left for Ottawa and I miss her dear, and in the middle, my very close friend Carly, and Cassie; an ex- coworker of Kayla's.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

late for class..

Since red lights and pembina hwy became my curse this morning, I had some extra time to play in lightroom.. I guess it wasn't all too horrible..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008


It twas the friday before saturday and all through prairieview were tall buildings growing and big monsters stomping. So here is group c's painting with light, its set up in the wrong order, so read from bottom to top. It's titled GROUP C TAKES OVER PRAIRIE TOWN

Thursday, December 4, 2008


The beautiful Lindsay blowing away in the wind
One of my latest and most favourite prints!  And its a tv not a microwave.. also, that is a little old ladies shopping cart in which I believe has everything she owns in it.  You may have seen here around the exchange... The scan up onto the computer took away from this picture and it lost some quality.  I seriously used burning, dodging, split filtration, toning, black borders. Hows that for combining techniques

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

where the animals roam...

It was a beautiful fall day (not to add shoot week day) that myself, Lindsay and Alicia ventured to the Zoo.  It started off with runny noses, realizing zoom lenses were beyonnnnnnnd necessary, Alicia can talk to tigers and kelly has a huge fear of flying birds.  And of course, what happens in the tropical house, one almost flies into her. GREEAT... never going back there.  But it ended with all of having some gorgeous shots of the tiger whom cooperated.  The female tiger just happened to be in heat was very unphotogenic and was just in the mood to talk.  

The face-less food for thought self portraits

Alright... Lets get to the point, you look at my photos and have the thought, what on earth is this chick thinking?  Sure I love sweets and oranges and such but thats not what I am getting at.  Firstly, I did my best attempt to have everything very open, spilling out of its container and such.  This was entirely on purpose because I wanted to symbolize myself being a very open person... I don't hide a lot, I don't see the need.  If you want to know something just ask.  The sweet and sour worms, well, I am a pretty sweet person, but get me on a bad day or early in the morning when I am hungry (just ask one of my friends) I am not a nice person.. aka, sour!  The oranges were just another enforcement  on  the idea of me being a open person with a juicy fun inside.  I am not dark and sad (although my doll series may contradict it).  The coffee beans, well I am a pretty deep complex individual.  And just like coffee, I can be taken and enjoyed by many different people in many different ways.  Take that how you like it, the rest is for thought!... 

First Series: the doll

This is my doll series.  I started working with this theme of destruction of youth and it slowly became this weird insight to my odd odd mind.  While working on this I didn't want to make it so utterly creepy that no one would want to sit beside me in class so I worked with lighting to try make the photos a bit more inviting to the viewer. This $3.99 purchase from value village also came with a friend so just wait for more!

from the darkside and beyond..

Here is a collection of some  of my favourites from over the past couple months... There are photos that I have created in the darkroom, some digital and some film scans too.   Some have been personal photos and some have been for assignments.  anyways just something to get your senses going.... p.s, pay special attention to my sandwiched neg pics, Its something I have been having a lot of fun working on.  (ps it just took me about 5 times to try spell sandwich, thats why I am in photography school not majoring in english literture!!!!) 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Commercial Photography

1.  The technique that I want to master within this lifetime is commercial photography.  For example, food photography, advertising, fashion and glamour photography and many others.  It is usually defined as photographs for the exchange of money.  In particular, I would like to master advertising.  It is an area I have wanted to go into for years.  In advertising the photographer would be taking pictures of many different subjects such as buildings, people, models etc. Photographs for advertising like we all know is used to sell a service or a product.  Photographers specializing in this area would be working for or have contracts with magazines, newspapers or advertising agencies. 

2.   http://www.collegegrad.com/careers/proft30.shtml

3.  This photo I find is really effective because of the back lighting and filling the frame with the subjects.  Not to mention the bright colours and good looking men really catches your eye.  


It is the sky that does it for me in this photo.  The way the clouds are layered and coloured this silver- blue is incredible it creates a beautiful back drop.  Many shots may have been taken on this occasion but the models expression I believe was classic for the statue she just happens to be leaning upon 


I love the soft, laid back look to this photo.  There is a lot going on in this photo, your eye just doesn't sit in one place.  I like how the photo is framed so it is almost like there is one and a half subjects.  Because the one girls head is cropped out of the frame it leaves something for the imagination. 


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Check it ouuuut

My favourite photo site is www.jpgmag.com. It is a great little social site that works hand in hand with the magazine "JPG". It thrives for and on photographers. The site can be used recreationally to post and browse photos, or to get the chance to publish your own photographs. JPG magazine is published six times a year and is filled with stories and photos from common folks posting on the website. There is a ton of stuff to read and view. check it out

Monday, September 22, 2008


Shooting lines? Well I am not going to say it was tough because lines are every where we look, unless your the type that stares into the sky on very regular basis. But anyways, to be creative shooting lines was the tough part. I narrowed down my photos quite a bit becuase frankly, the majority were a bore to look at. Some problems I did encounter were avoiding useless noise in the background and shooting from interesting angles. But all in all, it didn't cause much grief.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Time Machine

When I pick up a magazine the first thing I religiously do is flip through the pages and look at the pictures. Seriously, who doesn't? Photography is a fine art that tells a story and holds a secrete. I personally on many occasions find myself lost within a photograph wonderin
g what life was like at that very moment... One simple photograph can show emotion, tell a tale of an era and hold a memory forever. This is what first attracted me to photography; simply getting lost in it.
I think we are all in the same boat when I say I am excited for the year to come. It's great to be in the same working atmospheres of others whom share my same interest. Honestly if I have to pin point all the things I want to learn this year, you folks would be here all day. I have a real fetish for glamourous retro- style pictures. I think it would be pretty nifty to learn the skill to create an image like the ones I see in my mind.

One person, whom if I got the chance to go back in time and meet would be my Grandmother. She passed on while my father was quite young, all I know about her, is what I've seen in pictures. I have these boxes filled with photographs of her, her sister, friends and family. Some of the photos date back to the 1930's and go to the late 1960's. They were all taken by past relatives. I have been told of 'what a fabulous woman she was', and if I got my ticket back in time she would be my first stop.
I have included a few original pictures from when she was young, this picture dates back to 1944.
SO, once upon a time there was this lil' lady named Kelly whom, you know, kind of had a fetish for art and all the beautiful things this big globe has to offer. She tried to capture it through sculpting, painting, and drawing but it just did not get her too far. So after spending a year out of school stumbling along all the options of how I could express my passion for art, I found it. Which leaves me, the lil' lady Kelly, cursed with a case of writters block.

Everyone seems to have a good idea of what type of photography they are into, but, man how do you know till you test every chocolate in the box. For moi, I am still biting into each piece of chocolate; if I don't like what I am tasting, I throw it back in the box for someone else. Hope you all are getting my metaphorical speaking...! Although, I for sure can say I enjoy taking pictures of human subject, my dog (of course, she's too cute), nature and many more things I don't think you want the list! I definitely prefer shooting with a digital, I am a bit of a techno geek with electronics, plus I am impatient I want results asap. I think you have had to read enough of my jibber for now though. ciao.
oh. p.s.. Photo Cred goes to Duncan McNairnay