Born into Brothels:
I really enjoyed this film. I thought that the
cinematography was gorgeous and the narrative to be extremely moving. The story of this woman doing so much for these children was heart warming and inspiring. I love seeing children getting passionate for something such as photography and art. It was unbelievable to see some of the photos that they took and I must say, as much as I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, they do have some amazing scenery and people to photograph. This movie really inspired me to maybe make a difference and inspire more children to get into art and photography and see the beauty that the world has to offer.
I really enjoyed this movie it was a lot of fun! I had no idea going into this movie what it was about, who was in it and such and was very pleased afterwards. I really enjoy the actors and actresses in it they fit the parts perfectly! I think It was great how Pecker ran around spontaneously snapping shots off, makes me jealous that I don't have the guts to do such a thing. His images were pretty awesome... I wonder who actually took those! One objection although... Ross warned our group of before hand that for being a film on photography they don't pay close attention to the technical aspects of photography. Such as the scene in Pecker's darkroom and the snapping of photos and shutter speeds not synced.
The movie made me want to step out of my comfort zone a bit and maybe try doing more street photography... but, I dont think I will!
Brother where art thou:
Well... bad news here, last week by friday I was oober sick and had no voice... So I didn't attend the movie. tisk tisk I know.